2022-08-30 Net Minutes
- opened
- 20:00
- closed
- 20:20
Check-ins (22)
- Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
- Avery McIntosh (N7ALM)
- John Walpole (K5ZY)
- Rich Rychetsky (KI5QNR)
- David Bailey (K5DKB)
- Ralph Cobb (W5RYC)
- Christy Bailey (KI5WUM)
- Ken Reeves (KE5FIV)
- Brad Snyder (KG5SDE)
- Don Ling (WB5CKO)
- Bill Rose (K5WTR)
- Jim Hanks Jr. (W5CYN)
- Joe Napoli (KG5SDF)
- Jerry Xu (KI5VYD)
- Ken Hall (AE5EO)
- Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ)
- Kevin Walton (K5BTX)
- Mike Wisby (KA5HIA)
- Harold Turbyfill (KG5SDG)
- Rick Pfeil (W4RDP)
- Jim Laird (KF5YY)
- Bennie Naiser (KA5TWB)
Officer Reports
President Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
Vice-President Rick Pfeil (W4RDP)
- Please send any ideas for after-meeting presentations
- Exercise your privileges: get on the radio
- the repeater has been awfully quiet lately
- looking forward to seeing everyone in September
Secretary Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
- Students are back in full force
- Watch out for increased traffic and reduced stock at grocery stores
- Net minutes will be sent out at conclusion of net as usual
Treasurer Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ)
- 60 members
- If you’d like to renew or join,
- you can download the application from the club website
- turn it in at the next meeting (will have copies in-person)
- can also send PayPal invoice if desired
- Current bank balance: $8,539.99
- Consider setting the Bryan Amateur Radio Club as your charity on Amazon Smile
Jim Hanks Jr. (W5CYN)
- Robertson Co. ARES
- Weekly net Thursday 20:00 on W5KVN repeater
- planning to start in-person meetings next month
- 2nd Saturday of each month
- 2022-09-10 09:30
- Franklin Methodist Church Activities Bldg
- anyone interested is welcome!
Buy / Sell
Rich Rychetsky (KI5QNR)
- selling an ICOM IC-718
- getting more into CW; upgrading to Yaesu FT-891 (need tighter filters)
- about a year old, in good working order
- asking $550
- good on QRZ
Jerry Xu (KI5VYD)
- DMR repeater question:
- configured code plug and connected to N1WP repeater
- did not hear much traffic on TX talk group
- W4RDP: might get in touch with Andrew Byorth (KG5JDJ)
- KG5YE: other DMR users who would also be able to help:
- Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
- Sly Kapchinski (N5GQB)
- Ty Weaver (KG5RKI)