2022-07-05 Net Minutes
- opened
- 20:00
- closed
- 20:26
Check-ins (19)
- Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
- Jeff McDowell (KI5CES)
- Cody Blount (KD5FPC)
- Bill Rose (K5WTR)
- Brad Snyder (KG5SDE)
- Don Ling (WB5CKO)
- David Bailey (K5DKB)
- Avery McIntosh (N7ALM)
- Ron Hambric (N5SBN)
- John Walpole (K5ZY)
- Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ)
- Christian Hurst (W5FCH)
- Ralph Cobb (W5RYC)
- Rich Rychetsky (KI5QNR)
- Robert Carter (NC5R)
- Kevin Walton (N4RMF)
- Rick Pfeil (W4RDP)
- Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
- Bennie Naiser (KA5TWB)
Officer Reports
President Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
- Keep an eye on the weather
- 103°F in the forecast
- take care of yourself
- stay cool and hydrated
- Special events this week
- 13 Colonies special events going on now through 2022-07-07
- Next club meeting
- 2022-07-16 09:30
- American Post Legion 159
- Looking for someone to give a presentation
- Field Day points still in the works
- dealing with A/C issues at home
- ARRL has made a permanent change to the Field Day rules:
- individual contacts can be donated to the club if desired
- does not detract from your own operations
Vice-President Rick Pfeil (W4RDP)
- Keep your ideas coming in for after-meeting presentations
- Let us know if there’s anything we can do to help!
- Thanks again to all who made Field Day a great event!
Secretary Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
- Expect net minutes at conclusion of net
- Looking forward to seeing everyone at the meeting
Treasurer Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ)
- 54 members
- Current balance: $8,506.98
- Field Day net income: $1,251.37
- Meal donations: $393
- Sold $2,140 in Raffle tickets
- much better than last year!
- spent $1,481.63; expected to receive $200 park deposit back
- already looking forward to Winter Field Day
- Field Day net income: $1,251.37
Announcements / Comments
Question for conversation: What is your favorite Amateur Radio activity?
Ron Hambric (N5SBN)
- Brazos ARES monthly net tonight 08:30 (or after this net, whichever is later)
- on 443.425 MHz FM repeater (KD5DLW)
- ARES meeting next week
- 2022-07-11 06:30
- at American Red Cross
Don Ling (WB5CKO)
- getting “all circuits busy” on the landline when trying to call past 17:00 this afternoon
- not sure what might be going on… maybe someone accidentally severed a cable?
Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
- hands-on electrical engineering, esp. making antennas
- “doing the math”
- being secretary for the club
Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
- enjoy making stuff: antennas, stringing up cables, electronic kits
- promoting amateur radio