2018-12-18 Net Minutes
- opened
- 20:00
- closed
- 20:15
Check-ins (21)
- Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
- Mark Hnatiuk (KG5EYV)
- Ralph Cobb (W5RYC)
- Tom Small (N1TOV)
- Michael Narcowich (KI5BPO)
- Vic Pears (KX8V)
- Avery McIntosh (N7ALM)
- Andrew Byorth (KG5JDJ)
- Pierre Catala (WA1UAT)
- Doug Cummings (KG5UDT)
- Dick Zimmer (W5DZ)
- Bob Henglein (W5GC)
- Brent Anderson (WW5OBA)
- Loyd Rowe, Jr. (KA5LXK)
- Harold Turbyfill (KG5SDG)
- John Walpole (K5ZY)
- Richard Epting (KG5WIV)
- Trent Owens (AG1TX)
- Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
- David Barry (KG5UZA)
- Brian Walpole (N5BLW)
Officer Reports
President KG5EYV
- Great meeting on Saturday
- 26 members; voting was easy!
- Thanks to everyone who came out
- Next meeting 2019-01-19 11:30
- C&J Barbecue at Bend on Texas Ave.
- Officer Installation
- Accepting suggestions for next year
- More hands-on stuff
- Ideas for presentations
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
- Net scheduled for Christmas Day
- Will be out of town that day
Vice-President N5ZKF
- Looking forward to another year!
- Working on presentations for next year
- Might be out of town next week
- Special event stations (incl. holiday
- Dec. 21-27 is 50th anniversary of Apollo 8 Manned space flight mission
- several (NASA-related) special event stations
- Battle of Trenton, Battle of Princeton
- Dec. 21-27 is 50th anniversary of Apollo 8 Manned space flight mission
Secretary KG5LYE
- Next net is Christmas Day
- no “official” club net
- anyone available is welcome to jump on and talk about what’s going on
- Merry Christmas
Treasurer N5GQB
did not check in
Announcements / Comments
- Thanks to all the officers
- Merry Christmas!