2018-08-07 Net Minutes
- opened
- 20:00
- closed
- 20:24
Check-ins (20)
- Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
- Wyatt Stevens (KG5OOE)
- Richard Condie (KG5ZUA)
- David Barry (KG5UZA)
- Don Ling (WB5CKO)
- Mark Hnatiuk (KG5EYV)
- Brad Snyder (KG5SDE)
- Richard Epting (KG5WIV)
- Nicholas Lowman (KG5UDO)
- John Walpole (K5ZY)
- Brian Walpole (N5BLW)
- Dick Zimmer (W5DZ)
- Bob Henglein (W5GC)
- Mike Wisby (KA5HIA)
- Brent Anderson (WW5OBA)
- Harold Turbyfill (KG5SDG)
- Pierre Catala (WA1UAT)
- Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
- Joe Napoli (KG5SDF)
- Paul Bilke (KF5WGJ)
Officer Reports
President KG5EYV
- Breakfast this weekend 2018-08-11 07:30
- Next meeting 2018-08-18 09:30
- Belton Hamfest 2018-10-06
- Open question: Project committee status update?
Vice-President N5ZKF
- Meeting 2018-08-18
- Different format: meeting will start with presentation
- BTU will present on electrical interference
- Field Day Effort to include new hams in prize drawing
- Thank-you from Ronna Smalley (KI5AVM) for the radio she won in the drawing
- Bands are noisy, but a few openings even to Spain
- Project committee update: (N5ZKF, KG5SDF, N5ZBN)
- improve electronics building/construction skills
- Make useful stuff
Secretary KG5LYE
- Visiting family next weekend and won’t be able to attend meeting on 2018-08-18
- Need volunteer to take minutes at meeting
- Have until next week to figure out
- ARES net on 443.425 MHz FM repeater (KD5DLW) following this net or at 20:30, whichever is later
Treasurer N5GQB
- Perseid meteor shower is coming up this weekend (Aug 11-13)
- Will miss social this weekend; will be at Shreveport Hamfest
- Note that noise went away for about 5 minutes
Info Exchange
- Thanks to all who have been listening, commenting, and investigating noise issues.
- KD5DLW took out some compact fluorescent bulbs in attempt to alleviate, but didn’t help
- KG5LYE lives close to base of tower, has a RTL-SDR, and is willing to help, but lacks expertise :-)