Apr 2024 Club Meeting Minutes
- date
- 2024-04-20
- convened
- 09:33
- adjourned
- 10:46
- President: David Bailey (K5DKB) present
- Vice President: Paul Bilke (KF5WGJ) present
- Secretary: Matthew Barry (KG5LYE) present
- Treasurer: Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ) present
Attendees (32)
Quorum attained!
- David Bailey (K5DKB)
- Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
- Paul Bilke (KF5WGJ)
- Mindy Caldwell (KJ5MJC)
- Ralph Cobb (W5RYC)
- David Cooper (KI5JPG)
- Ron Estes (KJ5EFO)
- Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ)
- Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
- Ron Hambric (N5SBN)
- Jim Laird (KF5YY)
- Russ McDonald (KL2PB)
- Henry Menefee (W5RAS)
- Kerry Miller (WD5ABC)
- Becky Miller (K5BEC)
- Bob O'Connell (KC5DWB)
- Wayne Pecena (N1WP)
- Bill Preston (KZ3G)
- Rich Rychetsky (W5SON)
- Brad Snyder (KG5SDE)
- Harold Turbyfill (KG5SDG)
- John Walker (W1JCW)
- Ken Wilson (KE5DFR)
- Nathan Wood (KN4TTV)
- Michael Kingman (NS5E)
- Marilyn Kingman (KE5VOT)
- Lee Kuty
- Stephen Arnold (KJ5FQN)
- Gregg McCravey
- Robert Grigsby (KI5WFZ)
- Laura Cass
- Carson Cass
Officer Reports
David Bailey (K5DKB)
- Welcome!
- Lots of new faces!
- Sorry about the weather; we’ll have to postpone Radio in the Park until May
- Field Day planning
Paul Bilke (KF5WGJ)
- We have a box!
- From Japan through California
- Yaesu has a promotion to buy a repeater (spare in this case) for half-price
- Membership voted to take advantage
- There is a repeater in the box!
Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
Approval of Minutes
- Hearing no corrections, minutes stand approved as sent out
- Minutes from this meeting will be sent out later today
Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ)
Last Month’s Statement
- Starting balance: $8,979.82
- Income: $148
- Membership dues
- Swag
- VE exam fees
- Repeater donations
- Disbursements: $15
- VE exam fees to ARRL
- Ending balance: $9,112.82
NOTE: Repeater has been purchased (by Paul), but has not been disbursed (about $900)
Club Merchandise
- Winter Field Day 2023 stickers: $2
- Club logo pins (limited): $3
- Club logo stickers: $2
- Club logo window clings: $2
- Club logo patches: $5
- Club logo keychains: $2
Membership Renewals
Membership can be renewed in any of the following ways:
- online at Ham Club Online
- request PayPal invoice via email
- mail in cash or check (PO Box 4442, Bryan, TX 77805–4442)
- bring cash or check in-person at a meeting
National Train Day
- 2024-05-11 10:00/18:00
- Day before Mother’s Day
- TAMU Graduation Weekend
- At the Hearne Depot Train Museum:
- Things to do:
- Model trains that you can control
- Handcar
- Telegraph equipment
- Will be holding an event with two other museums
- Was open to having club hold a special event there
- Maybe have some CW operators show how telegraphs are done!
- Things to do:
Other Business
Brazos County ARES
Ron Hambric (N5SBN)
- Regular monthly meetings
- CEOC visits
- New TDEM District Headquarters facility on RELLIS campus
- Joint Eclipse & severe weather exercise on 2024-04-08
Robertson County ARES
Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ)
- Regular weekly net on W5KVN
- Often, there are more visitors than ARES members
- Monthly meeting
- need to find a new location
- Will hold meeting at Hearne Train Depot on 2024-05-11
- N5ZKF: Grimes County net also Thursday evenings 19:00
David Bailey (K5DKB)
- The 2m W5AC repeater is back on the air
Field Day Preparation
David Bailey (K5DKB)
- Field Day is only 3 months away!
- 2024-06-22/23
- We need volunteers to help plan the festivities
- Raffle: do we want to keep doing it?
- We almost lost money last year
- Picking and acquiring prizes is hard
- Selling tickets is a lot of work
- People aren’t as willing to buy
- Alternate ideas to encourage:
- “split the pot”
- door prizes
- “micro-raffle” - sell tickets at the door for a few cheaper items
- white elephant
- In the past, we needed a fundraiser to keep money in the treasury
- these days, we have more members, and some have made very generous donations to pay for club expenses in the past several years
- ongoing regular expenses:
- PO box
- Food at meetings
- we get the following for free:
- repeater tower space (thanks, Charlie!)
- meeting place (thanks, American Legion!)
Motion by Bill Preston (KZ3G):
to not have a raffle this year
Seconded by Ken Wilson (KE5DFR).
K5DKB: be careful, we should probably leave this decision up to the committee.
- Committee responsibilities
- Zoom meetings every other week (1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month 18:30)
- Interested members:
- (club officers, of course)
- Ron Estes (KJ5EFO)
- Ron Hambric (N5SBN)
- Russ McDonald (KL2PB)
- Ken Wilson (KE5DFR)
- Brad Snyder (KG5SDE)
- John Walker (W1JCW)
- Jim Laird (KF5YY)
- Bob O’Connell (KC5DWB)
- We’ll have a coordination Zoom meeting this coming Wedensday 18:30
- Link will be sent out later
Health and Welfare / Good of the Order
- If anyone needs help with anything please reach out to the club. You can contact any of the officers at:
Motion by Ken Wilson (KE5DFR):
to adjourn the meeting
Seconded by Jim Laird (KF5YY).
passes unanimously
Next Meeting
2024-05-18 09:30 at American Legion Post 159
After-Meeting Presentation
FCC CORES Sign-Up by Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
YouTube video: https://youtu.be/lgQyU1b0xaE