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May 2023 Club Meeting Minutes



Attendees (25)

Quorum attained!

Officer Reports


David Bailey (K5DKB)

Honorary Membership for Charlie Culver

Kevin Walton (K5BTX)

Petition reads as follows:

April 15, 2023

To the Membership and Officers of the Bryan Amateur Radio Club (BARC):

I wish to submit for consideration the application of Mr. Charles W. Culver (KD5DLW) for an Honorary Membership in the Bryan Amateur Radio Club, Bryan, Texas.

Mr. Culver has been a long-time supporter and advocate for the Bryan Amateur Radio Club and the various functions and activities of our club.

Mr. Culver has provided, from his own resources, repeoters, tower space, electrical power, and technical support for our club’s use (without cost) for many years.

Mr. Culver is a man of good character, a friend to many in our community, and a guiding voice for the advancement of our hobby as amateur radio operators.

It is my honor to submit to the current membership and the officers of the Bryan Amateur Radio Club this petition for Mr. Charles W. Culver to become an Honorary Member of our club. And per our Constitution and By-Laws, such a member shall not pay dues or fees and shall be entitled to hold office and vote.

Honorary membership requires a two-thirds vote of the current membership, and by my signature below, I hereby acknowledge, affirm, and vote for Mr. Charles W. Culver (KD5DLW) to become an Honorary Member of the Bryan Amateur Radio Club.

Submitted by: Kevin L. Walton (K5BTX)

Phil Gates (N5ZKF)


Paul Bilke (KF5WGJ)

Field Day

Next Special Event: Museum Ship Weekend


Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)

Approval of Minutes

Field Day


Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ)

Field Day Prizes

Last Month’s Statement

Club Merchandise

Membership Renewals

Membership can be renewed in any of the following ways:

Other Business

Brazos County ARES

Ron Hambric (N5SBN)

Robertson County ARES

Jim Hanks Jr. (W5CYN)

Austin Radio Club

Ray Meech (WA5IWB)

Health and Welfare / Good of the Order


Next Meeting

2023-06-17 09:30 at American Legion Post 159

After-Meeting Presentation

Parks on the Air by David Wisby (KI5SHY)