May 2023 Club Meeting Minutes
- date
- 2023-05-20
- convened
- 09:33
- adjourned
- 10:35
- President: David Bailey (K5DKB) present
- Vice President: Paul Bilke (KF5WGJ) present
- Secretary: Matthew Barry (KG5LYE) present
- Treasurer: Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ) present
Attendees (25)
Quorum attained!
- David Bailey (K5DKB)
- Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
- Paul Bilke (KF5WGJ)
- Ralph Cobb (W5RYC)
- Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ)
- Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
- Ron Hambric (N5SBN)
- Jim Hanks Jr. (W5CYN)
- Tom Johnson (KI5ZPG)
- Garrett Martin (W5HVS)
- Avery McIntosh (N7ALM)
- Joe Napoli (KG5SDF)
- Bob O'Connell (KC5DWB)
- Vic Pears (KX8V)
- Bill Preston (KZ3G)
- Ken Reeves (KE5FIV)
- Brad Snyder (KG5SDE)
- David Vickers (KI5WEH)
- Michael Vickers
- Kevin Walton (K5BTX)
- David Wisby (KI5SHY)
- Mike Wisby (KA5HIA)
- Patti Weir
- Charles Lang
- Ray Meech (WA5IWB)
Officer Reports
David Bailey (K5DKB)
Honorary Membership for Charlie Culver
Kevin Walton (K5BTX)
- Charlie has done so much for the club over the years
- He is not a member of the club
- Want to make him an honorary member of the club
- Requires 2/3 membership approval
- Have 60 members in the club
- Need 40 signatures total
- Currently have 27 signatures already
Petition reads as follows:
April 15, 2023
To the Membership and Officers of the Bryan Amateur Radio Club (BARC):
I wish to submit for consideration the application of Mr. Charles W. Culver (KD5DLW) for an Honorary Membership in the Bryan Amateur Radio Club, Bryan, Texas.
Mr. Culver has been a long-time supporter and advocate for the Bryan Amateur Radio Club and the various functions and activities of our club.
Mr. Culver has provided, from his own resources, repeoters, tower space, electrical power, and technical support for our club’s use (without cost) for many years.
Mr. Culver is a man of good character, a friend to many in our community, and a guiding voice for the advancement of our hobby as amateur radio operators.
It is my honor to submit to the current membership and the officers of the Bryan Amateur Radio Club this petition for Mr. Charles W. Culver to become an Honorary Member of our club. And per our Constitution and By-Laws, such a member shall not pay dues or fees and shall be entitled to hold office and vote.
Honorary membership requires a two-thirds vote of the current membership, and by my signature below, I hereby acknowledge, affirm, and vote for Mr. Charles W. Culver (KD5DLW) to become an Honorary Member of the Bryan Amateur Radio Club.
Submitted by: Kevin L. Walton (K5BTX)
Phil Gates (N5ZKF)
- Skyline Communications built a new tower a few years ago
- I took a photo when there were two towers up at the same time
- I invite club members to write their callsign and a note around the border
- 2018-04-04
- Would like to present this framed photo to Charlie with his honorary membership
- Mike Wisby (KA5HIA): also want to do some type of ribbon-cutting for the new tower
- Charlie has had this on hold “until I get the shop cleaned out”
Paul Bilke (KF5WGJ)
Field Day
- Still looking for
victimsvolunteers to help- See sign-up sheets at the back
- Raffle tickets are available for purchase
- What if someone not radio-inclined wins a prize for someone who is radio-inclined?
- Find a “buyer” who would be willing to give cash for the prize
- Don’t have to be present to win
- Need someone to take charge of collecting tickets and raffle money
- What if someone not radio-inclined wins a prize for someone who is radio-inclined?
- Putting up posters around town
- Food:
- KZ3G: Whataburger breakfast sandwiches for setup on Saturday
- Burgers and hot dogs
- Need allocation of funds for materials and food
- Probably won’t spend all of it
- Motion by Phil Gates (N5ZKF) to allocate funds not to exceed $400 for logistics related to Field Day
- seconded by Brad Snyder (KG5SDE)
- passes unanimously
Next Special Event: Museum Ship Weekend
- 2023-06-03/04 (First full weekend in June)
Matthew Barry (KG5LYE)
Approval of Minutes
- Hearing no corrections, minutes stand approved as sent out
- Minutes from this meeting will be sent out later today
Field Day
- I’m in charge of organizing educational presentations
- Planning a session (or two or however long it takes) for “basic workbench skills”
- Stations for
- Need “Elemers” to be there to supervise activities
- KI5FIZ: interested in Soldering
- Have people bring their own “junk” for practice
- maybe put something together for a door prize
- N5SBN / W5CYN: sign off on ARES taskbook items
- Primer on digital modes
Lorna Flansburg (KI5FIZ)
Field Day Prizes
- $500 Burdett & Son Outdoor Adventure Gift Certificate
- $400 Visa gift card
- Wouxun KG-UV980P Quad Radio
- Yaesu FT-60R
- $100 Casa do Brazil gift card
- 100th Anniversary Special Edition handbook
Last Month’s Statement
- Starting balance: $8,834.43
- Income: $77.00
- $2.00 - Club merch
- $30.00 - Membership dues
- $45.00 - ARRL VE Fees Collected
- Monies Available: $8,911.43
- Disbursements: $753.49
- $45 to ARRL for VE Fees
- $708.49 Video Projector
- Ending balance: $8,157.94
Club Merchandise
- Winter Field Day 2023 stickers: $2
- Club logo pins (limited): $3
- Club logo stickers: $2
- Club logo window clings: $2
- Club logo patches: $5
- Club logo keychains: $2
- Planning a Field Day sticker
Membership Renewals
Membership can be renewed in any of the following ways:
- online at Ham Club Online
- request PayPal invoice via email
- mail in cash or check (PO Box 4442, Bryan, TX 77805–4442)
- bring cash or check in-person at a meeting
Other Business
Brazos County ARES
Ron Hambric (N5SBN)
- June ARES Meeting Canceled
- ARES members (and non-members) are invited to come visit the CEOC each Friday
Robertson County ARES
Jim Hanks Jr. (W5CYN)
- 145.070 MHz - new frequency for W5CYN-12 winlink node
- W5CYN-5 has digipeater for Vara AC
- Visit the Winlink Tools page for a map
- South Texas ARES has links to node listings
Austin Radio Club
Ray Meech (WA5IWB)
- Pico balloon launches
- 20 g package weight
- Small electronic transmitter (10-20 mW)
- Solar-powered
- 20 m WSPR for location and maybe altitude
- 47 g balloon
- Hydrogen-filled balloon
- 32 in diameter
- flies up to 12,000 m
- 20 g package weight
- Got a launch coming up Monday
- “non-event” … Just let the baloon go, and it disappears
Health and Welfare / Good of the Order
- If anyone needs help with anything please reach out to the club. You can contact any of the officers at:
- motion by Paul Bilke (KF5WGJ) to either adjourn
- seconded by Kevin Walton (K5BTX)
- passes unanimously
Next Meeting
2023-06-17 09:30 at American Legion Post 159
After-Meeting Presentation
Parks on the Air by David Wisby (KI5SHY)