W5BCS Monthly Meeting

We meet on the third Saturday of each month at 09:30 at American Legion Post 159 to conduct official club business (assuming we have a quorum).

Coffee and a variety of breakfast snacks are provided for free, but any donations you can give to offset the cost of these are greatly appreciated!

We usually try to have some type of interesting presentation after the meeting, but this may vary depending on availability of presenters, topics of interest, etc.

Once everything has wrapped up (typically by around 11:00), we also hold an ARRL VEC licensing exam session for anyone interested in becoming an amateur radio operator or upgrading their license to a higher class. If you wish to participate, please make sure you have your FCC Registration Number (FRN) and $15 to cover the cost of the exam. As with any test, be sure to study hard, get a good night’s sleep, and eat a good breakfast before taking the exam! Here are some useful study resources:

For more detailed information, check out our quickstart guide.