Regularly scheduled events from around the local amateur radio community.
Veteran's Coffee and Donuts
08:00 on 5th Thursdays at American Legion Post 159
Winter Field Day
Annually on the last full weekend of January, starting 18:00 UTC on Saturday and running through 20:59 UTC on Sunday
Holiday Party
The Bryan Amateur Radio Club is invited to Eat, Drink, and be Merry
ARRL Field Day
Annually on the 4th full weekend of June, starting 18:00 UTC on Saturday and running through 20:59 UTC on Sunday
Robertson County ARES Meeting
2nd Saturday of each month at 09:30. Subject to change.
Ham License Exam (W5BCS)
3rd Saturday of each month following the regular W5BCS monthly club meeting. Usually 11:00 at American Legion Post 159.
W5BCS Monthly Meeting
3rd Saturday of each month. Usually 09:30 at American Legion Post 159, except where otherwise noted.
ARES CEOC Weekly Visit
Fridays at 09:00. Door is usually locked: call on 443.425 MHz (KD5DLW) repeater or (979) 821-1012 to be let in.
Robertson County ARES Net
Thursdays at 20:00 on the 146.960 MHz FM (W5KVN) repeater.
W5BCS Weekly Net
Tuesdays at 20:00 on the 146.680 MHz FM (W5BCS) club repeater.
Brazos County ARES Monthly Net
1st Tuesday of each month at 20:30 or after the W5BCS net (whichever is later).
Brazos County ARES Monthly Meeting
3rd Monday of each month at 18:30.
W5BCS Annual Social Meeting
3rd Saturday in January (in place of usual monthly club meeting).